Early Years Foundation Stage

Assistant Headteacher EYFS

Alice Mansell


Spring Knowledge Organiser – 2024/2025

The latest Pre-School Learning Update!

Preschool children have been learning and exploring a lot of different activities. Children were celebrating Chinese New Year, exploring and looking at different food, languages and practising how to use chopsticks. The children were also listening to the story ‘AMAZING’ and exploring different activities linking to the story celebrating friendship, taking turns & sharing and playing together.
Next term’s topic is Roots and Shoots, children will be learning about growth, the cycle of planting and taking care of the environment.
UTW – Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in the setting
        –  Understand the key features of the life cycle of a plant and an animal
C&L – Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening with the help of the pictures


Spring Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Nursery Learning Update!

Next half term our topic will be ‘Roots & Shoots’, in which children will learn that plants are living
things, how they grow and how to look after them. Children will be planting seeds and observing the
changes that take place as the seeds grow.
In Literacy, over the first 2 weeks, we will be reading ‘We Found a Seed’ written by Rob Ramsden and
‘Sam Plants a Sunflower’ written by Kate Petty and Axel Scheffler.
In Maths we will continue to practice our counting and learn to describe a sequence of events using
words such as ‘first’ and ‘next’.
In Understanding of the World we will be planting seeds, observing their growth and learning to take
care of plants.
In Expressive Arts and Design we will play some musical instruments focusing on playing them fast,
slowly, loudly and quietly and begin to think about the emotions that may be linked to different
As part of our learning in PSED we will be talking about different emotions.
The Nursery Team would like to remind parents to upload any activities your child has taken part in
over the Half Term holiday onto Evidence Me.


Spring Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Reception Learning Update!

In PSED, we will be learning about recognising our own value, understanding and managing our emotions and developing positive habits such as sensible screen-time use and having a good sleep routine.

In CL, we will be learning about using talk to solve problems, organise our thoughts and plan activities. We will also listen to and discuss non-fiction books to deepen our understanding and build new vocabulary.

In PD, we will be learning about moving with control, grace and fluency, while combining different movements smoothly. We will also focus on developing our fine motor skills to use tools like pencils, paintbrushes, scissors and cutlery competently and confidently.

In Maths, we will be learning about comparing mass, exploring full and empty, measuring capacity and using ingredients to practise measuring. We will also work on matching numbers 6, 7 and 8, making pairs, combining groups and adding more.

In Literacy, we will be learning about spelling words by identifying sounds and writing them using known sound-letter correspondences. We will also practise writing short sentences with capital letters and full stops and re-read our work to check that it makes sense.

In UTW, we will be learning about recognising similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries. We will also explore and understand how some environments are different from the one we live in.

In EA&D, we will be learning about creating collaboratively by sharing ideas, resources and skills during ongoing art projects. We will also explore artistic effects to express our ideas and feelings, while listening to, moving to and talking about music to share our responses.