Lower Key Stage 2
Assistant Headteacher LKS2
Cidalia Fraga
Year 3
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025
The latest Year 3 Learning Update!
Over the next two weeks, the focus of our learning will be Ancient Egyptian civilisations.
In English, we will explore genres of non-fiction writing with a focus on instructions. We will learn all about imperative verbs and adverbs as well as organising instructions and unpicking their features and purposes. Additionally, we will be drawing hieroglyphics and mummifying fruit in order to write our own set of instructions.
In Maths, we have moved on to addition and subtraction. This week we have been learning how to add by bridging through 10. Over the next few weeks we will begin learning how to use place value headings to do column addition and column subtraction. We will also be exploring exchanging tens and hundreds.
In Science, we have been testing the soil at Stockwell primary school to find out what it is mainly made of and the reasons for this and compare it to Egyptian soil. We will also be discovering different types of rocks and doing our own investigation to find out the hardness of rocks by scratching them along card and looking at the indentations.
In DT, following a visit to the library where we got to see many more pop-up books and even borrow some, we will be exploring and experimenting with different types of movements and we’ll have a go at creating leavers, flaps and sliders before choosing the best one for our ancient Egyptian pop-up books based on our English text ‘Cinderella of the Nile’.
In Humanities, we continue exploring artefacts from Ancient Egypt and consider why these were important to the ancient Egyptians and how they were used. On Friday, we will follow this up with a trip to the British Museum to further gain understanding of Egyptian Artefacts. In geography, we will be using atlases to locate the United Kingdom, Greece and Egypt on a modern map and then use compass vocabulary to describe the locations of these in relation to each other and look at flight plans and countries passed through from the UK to Egypt and from the UK to Greece.
The Year 3 team would like to remind you to sign up to WeDuc for future trip payments and consent. Additionally here is a reminder that we will be going to the British Museum on Friday, the 18th of October. This will be an all day trip so children will require a full packed lunch and water bottle. Please ensure that your child has their P.E kit on a Tuesday and Swimming kit on Thursdays. We also want to encourage you to read with your children daily and ensure they have their reading records in their bags for 1-1 reading at school. Finally, please be reminded that homework is due in on a Wednesday – it goes out weekly as a paper copy for each child and it’s also posted on Google classroom. Logins have been sent out for this. If there are any issues, please let the Year 3 team know.
Year 4
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025