Lower Key Stage 2

Assistant Headteacher LKS2

Cidalia Fraga

Year 3

Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 3 Learning Update!

In English, we will be exploring the story Friend or Foe. We will be looking at different front covers and making predictions on what the story could be about linked to our World War II topic.
In maths, we will continue exploring multiplication and division using a range of strategies including part whole model and column method.
In science, we will continue to look at forces with a focus on magnets and gravity. We will explore the reactions of the north and south poles with different object and spend lots of time practising using scientific vocabulary.
In humanities, we will be focusing on our new topic of World War II. We will be ordering significant events and learning why World War II started and the most significant events leading up to it. We will also explore how the World War II bombings have affected our local area. As part of this exciting topic Year 3 have an evacuee themed sleepover experience so watch this space for further details.
In DT, we will be focusing on pneumatic bridges and will be designing and making our own. As part of this, we will also be visiting Tower Bridge Later in the term.

The year three team would like to remind you to keep reading and practising times tables and spelling using timetable rockstars and spelling frame over the holidays.

Year 4

Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 4 Learning Update!

Next term in English, Y4 will be completing the ‘Imagine a story project’. This is a creative writing
project where we will be contributing to a collection of short stories, alongside their classmates, that
will be professionally published.

In Maths, we will start with multiplication and division. We will learn factor pairs for numbers and Then
move onto formal methods of division and multiplication.

In science we will study electricity. Through research and investigations, we will learn to identify
common appliances that run on electricity, construct a simple series electrical circuit and identify and
name basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers.

In in our Art unit, we will be finding out about the artist David Hockney, looking at a selection of his
work, making observations and responses to his style of painting. We will work towards creating our
own version inspired by his famous Landscapes collection.

In Humanities, we will case-study Peru. We will make comparisons to Peru and the UK as well as
looking at Paddington Bear and the London Underground System.